Friday, June 02, 2006

Coming soon...

Written in 1920, by Edith Wharton, The Age of Innocence won the Pullizer Prize in 1921. The novel takes place among New York City's upper class during the 1870s, before the advent of electric lights, telephones or motor vehicles; when a small cluster of aristocratic "old revolutionary stock" families ruled New York's social life. In this world "being things" was better than "doing things" and one's occupation or abilities were secondary to heredity and family connections. Reputation and outward appearances came at the exclusion of everything and everyone else.

Over the next month I'll be recording this novel and then uploading the audio version of this wonderful story in installments. I hope you'll join me.


Bells said...

this is going to be great!!

Alliesw said...

This is one of my very favorite books ever and always, thanks for taking the time and making the effort to record. Plus I'l be able to hear your wonderful voice even while Cast-On is on break!

Anonymous said...

I am really enjoying your reading. You're doing an excellent job.

Heather said...

Thank you thank you. I am an expat living in brazil, where audiobooks are my lifeline to the beauty of my own language.